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About us

EDUCAJURIS.- The Dominican School of Legal Training, is a   School of Law and Policies  that trains and trains students and _cc7fines professionals of Law and professionals 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_develop knowledge in legal matters, forged in strengthening  de  your personal and professional identity _cc781905-94-cdebb3b3b3b-5cde 136bad5cf58d_that, with full control and principles  and the objectives  of his training area benefit the development of his nation _cc781905-5cde-3193-bbd5b-1f58d5c competitiveness to achieve  the strengthening  of democracy, social equality, justice and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c f58d_ the continuous improvement of   the quality of life. Trains and trains students and  law professionals, on the development of ethical values and equipped  of the technical, theoretical and practical instruments of the different areas of Law so that may  exercise successfully  their profession both in the  public and private environment, in response to the bb3b-136bad5cf58d_community demands.


Capacitar y entrenar estudiantes y profesionales del derecho y profesionales afines  apostando  por la excelencia académica, con alto desarrollo  de los principios  éticos y  morales, como base fundamental  de una excelente formación humana, de manera such that  its objective is  the application of the law, justice and elementary values  of all people.


We will be the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Republic Dominicana  with the greatest capacity for training and training  de with the aim of incorporating them into the labor market according to the demands and standards of this new century.



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